#StayHome: Dance for International Dance Day!
You can see the video I posted to Instagram if you like
For the first time in weeks, rain has come and looks like it’s here to stay for a few days. Bad weather tends to negatively affect my mood and motivation but there was one thing today that helped perk it all back up: today is International Dance Day!
Dancers all around the world have been sharing their art during isolation and it’s been helpful in giving us all a way to escape the four walls we’ve been forbidden to leave. New fun content is popping up all over today and here’s a little selection of the ones I’ve seen and loved!
Elias Aguirre from his garden
I was lucky to take part in a workshop he ran during the Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis two years ago. This video gives a new, comedic perspective through many of the characters from his work up until now.
Wendy Cornu from her bathroom
Wendy Cornu is one of the female choreographers who took part in the first edition of Les Femmes sont là, a personal development program developed by La Fabrique de la Danse to help female choreographers break the glass ceiling and give them better visibility. I have been a volunteer for this program since it began and I’ve been really happy to see how the women who were selected have grown in the past year and a half. I really love the delicate nature of this indoor piece.
For more videos from choreographers that have benefited from this program (or other schemes put together by La Fabrique de la Danse), click here!
Allison Faye from her room
She captioned this “Anemone” and though we see she is on firm ground, we can see her moving through water.
Up to you now to turn your kitchen, couch or desk into a dance studio
Head over to Instagram for more videos to watch, as I couldn’t possibly put everything here! If you are looking to take a virtual class, head over to Dancing Alone Together, Gaga Online and so many others keeping us dancers sane in this isolation period.